Planification et Conseil
La planification de votre avenir financier n’est pas quelque chose qui se passe qu’une seule fois. A mesure que votre vie change vos besoins financiers, votre situation et vos objectifs changent aussi. Quand ils le font, vous pouvez compter sur nous à la Caisse populaire de Clare pour vous guider et de garder vos finances sur le bon chemin.
Vous êtes occupé. Êtes-vous certains que vous êtes en train de faire les bonnes décisions quand il s’agit de votre budget des ménages ? Nous pouvons vous aider à le comprendre. Nous concentrons sur votre situation particulière et objectifs pour vous aider à prendre des décisions financières intelligentes qui fonctionnent pour vous. Que peut une heure avec un professionnel de la finance faire pour vous ? Nous pouvons vous aider à gérer votre argent et la sauver pour ce qui compte vraiment.
Contactez-nous aujourd'hui pour voir ce que notre approche ciblée peut faire pour vous. Aucune obligation, juste des bons conseils de nos professionnels de la finance qui se concentrent sur vous et vos besoins.
Désolé mais l’information suivant n’est pas disponible en français.
Expert Articles
Whether you’re just getting started, or fully engaged in your quest for more information, our expert articles will help shed light on your financial planning questions.
How is your credit score measured, and how does it affect your ability to secure a loan, get a mortgage, or rent an apartment? Learn more.
What’s the Right Way to Use Your Credit Card?
There are a lot of common missteps and mistakes that are important to steer clear of if you want to keep your credit history clean—and keep yourself out of debt. Learn more.
Why Track Your Spending Habits?
The little things add up – quickly. How much are you spending on snacks or parking? Before you know it you’ve spent hundreds of dollars with very little to show for it. By tracking your spending over 2-3 months, you start to see trends and habits. Learn more.
How Do You Build a Financial Plan?
If you don’t know where you are, or where you want to go, will you know how to get there or when you’ve arrived? Completing this financial planning exercise produces a financial plan snapshot to help get you started. Learn more.
What is Your Net Worth and What Does It Mean?
Today, a positive net worth can sometimes be a challenging goal to reach. Understanding your own personal net worth and the reasons behind it will help you improve your financial position. Learn more.
Want to Build Your Savings Faster?
Understanding your financial position will offer you a sense of how much you can save. Find tips like paying yourself first and spending less than what you earn, along with helpful calculators to get you on track to building your savings faster. Learn more.
How Can You Pay Down Debt Sooner?
Canadian consumer debt has climbed to record levels. Make this the year you take steps to get a handle on your debt load. Find tips to get you started. Learn more.
Investing 101
Are you ready to start thinking about investments? Find some questions to consider, like where you can find the money to invest. Answering these questions will help you determine what kind of investment strategy works for you now and in the future. Learn more.
Ten Questions to Ask Before You Meet with a Financial Expert
When you take the step to set up an appointment with a financial expert, there are ten questions you should ask yourself to prepare for the meeting. Answering these questions will help you accurately describe your financial situation. Learn more.
Personal Balance Sheet
Capture a snapshot of all of your assets with this easy to use personal balance sheet sample template. Learn more.
Household Budget Worksheet
Download a sample monthly budget worksheet to help you track your spending. Learn more.